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El Vecino
Service Sponsor

Any Service


Want to provide a service for our pageant or candidates? You can donate as the fellow "vecino" 



  • Social Media Mention in all post regarding sponsored service.

  • Social Media tags by candidates.

  • Mentioned in program guide.

  • Utilized in our promo screen. 

  • May qualify for add ons depending on value of service.

Sponsor us Today! 

What event will yo be providing th service for? (select all that apply)
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This document is a legally binding sponsorship agreement between the above listed parties sponsor agrees to pay thus stated amount in return for the above mentioned benefits. Additional perks can be discussed and sent via email to confirm agreement:


This sponsorship is non refundable and not tax deductible for individuals.



No employee/employer relationship is established or implied with the sponsorship agreement Dominicans of Middlesex County NJ has no liability or responsibility to the sponsor beyond the scope of this agreement.



By checking off below you, the business mentioned above and/or person named, agree to enter into the sponsorship agreement.




Thanks for submitting!

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